Grammar, writing and pronunciation topics

In this page you will find the grammar topics we study in class. I suggest you to study the theory and do the exercises (practice)

November 14

Basic Writing Skills

When writing a text, it is not enough to have good ideas or persuasive arguments. It is also important to express them correctly. These are some grammar rules to keep in mind:

1.     Write the correct word order in a sentence:
Word order: Subject + Verb + Object + Complements (manner – place - time)
Example:          I            found    the book      easily at the library yesterday

2.     Use time expressions at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. Example: In 1994, Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize or Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994

3.     Place frequency adverbs (often, always, never) before the main verb or after to be (am, is are, was, were, been). Example: She often does the homework

4.     Adjectives come before the noun and they have no plural form. Example: He was a hardworking leader

5.     Subject-verb agreement: The subject and the verb must agree in number. For example, when the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular: "She sings well"

6.     Use auxiliaries to write negative sentences or questions (except when using to be= am, is, are, was, were)

7.     In a simple present sentence where he, she, it or a name is the subject, verbs must end in -s or -es depending on the way the verb ends. Example: He studies architecture at Universidad Nacional.

8.     Use time and sequence connectors: Sequencing refers to the order in which events happened. These are some of the most common ways to sequence in writing or speaking:

Beginning the biographical recount: First of all, Initially, To begin with
Continuing the biographical recount: Then, After that, Next
Ending the biographical recount: Finally, In the end, Eventually,


How to ask questions in past




August 15

Yes/no questions in simple present




  1. I'm Andres Taborda My score is:
    First practice : 9
    Second practice: 99% and 34%

  2. My score is
    first practice 8
    100% first part
    18% second part

  3. My score is
    Second:90% and 22%

  4. My score is:
    First practice : 7
    Second practice: 70% and 30%

  5. Hi guys I am Camilo and my score is:
    First practice:9
    Second practice:100% and 100%

  6. My score is
    first ´practice: 9
    second practice: 90% and 40%

  7. Hi! My score is
    1) 99% (I wrong in a letter)
    2) 39%

    I wrote the answers in my notebook and not here. I'm sorry.

  8. My score is:
    First practice: 7
    Second practice: 100% and 50%

  9. Hugo Andres Niño GarzonSeptember 7, 2017 at 9:06 AM

    My score is:
    1) 8
    2) 99% and 40%

  10. I am Luis Grajales and my score is:
    1) 7
    2) 90% and 50%
